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really like this one. mechanically simple but you get a lot of nuance out of it. i really like having the 2 lives per tomato, it creates a lot of interesting scenarios where i was strategizing over whether i should let certain tomatoes drop and lose a life in order not to create inconvenient blockades, and sometimes i would create barriers of full-life tomatoes that were protecting my last-life tomatoes which felt really satisfying. the pace is great as well -- like how long it takes between tomatoes. a lot of the game is this tense anticipation, trying to decide where to position my mouse between releases, which parts of my tomato wall felt the most vulnerable (and thus which ones i needed to protect the most!) and i LOVE your mechanic of not keeping a high score, but having to choose when to die haha, it creates a really nice risk/reward mechanic!

high score is 17!!